LYMA's New Features
Well, according to data taken from the recent "Questions of the Day" we have exactly 9 people who participate on LYMA. (By the way, congratulations to Chris and Janelle, our undisputed "Blogger Daddies").
Anyway, I've added 2 new features to the blog (courtesy of Ebenezer Orthodoxy over at BloggerHacks which I found through Kaimi's plug at T&S).
In the left column I've added links to the 5 most recent comments made at LYMA. Hopefully this will assist anybody who scrolls through the blog several times per hour looking for new comments.
Secondly, posting comments is now easier than ever. If you decide to comment on a post, you will now be able to see the previous comments (an improvement on Blogspot)as well as the original post (an improvement over HaloScan). In addition, anybody who pleases may comment. Hopefully this will attract would-be contributors who shy away when Blogspot asks them for a password. The only difference is that the author's name will now be posted AFTER the comment.
Hopefully this will increase regular traffic through LYMA and foster an even new level of discourse.
Finish reading post.