Thursday, September 30, 2004

LYMA's New Features

Well, according to data taken from the recent "Questions of the Day" we have exactly 9 people who participate on LYMA. (By the way, congratulations to Chris and Janelle, our undisputed "Blogger Daddies").

Anyway, I've added 2 new features to the blog (courtesy of Ebenezer Orthodoxy over at
BloggerHacks which I found through Kaimi's plug at T&S).

In the left column I've added links to the 5 most recent comments made at LYMA. Hopefully this will assist anybody who scrolls through the blog several times per hour looking for new comments.

Secondly, posting comments is now easier than ever. If you decide to comment on a post, you will now be able to see the previous comments (an improvement on Blogspot)as well as the original post (an improvement over HaloScan). In addition, anybody who pleases may comment. Hopefully this will attract would-be contributors who shy away when Blogspot asks them for a password. The only difference is that the author's name will now be posted AFTER the comment.

Hopefully this will increase regular traffic through LYMA and foster an even new level of discourse.


At 9/30/2004 04:44:00 PM,

Thanks for your up-keep Doug. People like you make me happy that there are people besides people like me. 

Posted by Jason Kn

At 9/30/2004 05:21:00 PM,

What are we going to do when you move to Thailand??? No more improvements, no more fun polls... 

Posted by Janelle

At 10/01/2004 09:49:00 AM,

Is there any way you can make it so when everyone posts they only use the small ariel font? The blog looks more compact with that size and not as intimidating to read. You are the blog master!!?! 

Posted by Chris

At 10/01/2004 02:13:00 PM,

A few words...

Chris - New posts should now automatically appear in the smaller arial font (i.e. no need for the extra "span style" codes).

Also - it seems as though the "Recent Comments" code is not properly reading the name of the post where the comments were made (and also listing them AFTER our old posts). I've left a message over at BloggerHacks. Hopefully they will have the solution.

Finally, if you would like your blogspot profile to appear when people click on your name, you have to enter the URL where your profile is at. The e-mail address is visible when the mouse hovers over the text, but you must manually enter in the URL to where people will be redirected when they click your name. (You can view your profile from the "Dashboard" page, then copy and paste the URL).

Good luck, and have a great weekend. 

Posted by Doug Spencer

At 10/01/2004 02:16:00 PM,

Okay - the recent comments is now organizing the comments correctly, but still no post title.... 

Posted by Doug Spencer

At 10/02/2004 11:46:00 AM,

Thanks to Ebenezer Orthodoxy the recent comments has been fixed (the code was having problems recognizing titles with apostrophes and quotation marks in them).

Everything seems to be functioning properly. 

Posted by Doug Spencer

At 10/05/2004 04:28:00 PM,

Nice upgrades, Doug. I think you need the last 10 comments displayed, not just the last 5. Think big. 

Posted by Dave

At 1/16/2005 05:35:00 PM,

Yes, my sister's in Thailand --Sister Thackeray.
And I play the cello and the piano. Why?

Posted by Megan




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