a kantian dilemma if there ever was one
Jason, your sarcastic jabs have poked at a nerve. If you remember your "jewish proverbs", we all must "dialogare per non morire." (loosely: engage in dialogue in order to stave off that hoary breath of the destroying angel). To that, I reply: "Dialogiamo, allora!!" (loosely, again: Let's get our dialogue on!!)
Do I make sense to anyone besides myself?
A lot of people in the church are pretty attached to the idea that sacrifice brings blessings. Off hand, I can't think of any scriptures that support that explicitly, but I'll assume there are some. Say, for example, I go to the temple because I enjoy it, is that less noble than those times I go to the temple when I really just want to stay home and play Xbox? Or, to put it in more philosophical terms, is obedience out of duty the more virtuous route?
Big question, I know. But hey, we're dialogue-ing.
Finish reading post.