a kantian dilemma if there ever was one
Jason, your sarcastic jabs have poked at a nerve. If you remember your "jewish proverbs", we all must "dialogare per non morire." (loosely: engage in dialogue in order to stave off that hoary breath of the destroying angel). To that, I reply: "Dialogiamo, allora!!" (loosely, again: Let's get our dialogue on!!)
Do I make sense to anyone besides myself?
A lot of people in the church are pretty attached to the idea that sacrifice brings blessings. Off hand, I can't think of any scriptures that support that explicitly, but I'll assume there are some. Say, for example, I go to the temple because I enjoy it, is that less noble than those times I go to the temple when I really just want to stay home and play Xbox? Or, to put it in more philosophical terms, is obedience out of duty the more virtuous route?
Big question, I know. But hey, we're dialogue-ing.
I gotta do better at continuing the dialogue. I horrible about putting in my two cents and then washing my hands.
All those questions, jason, are the problem. Do we purposefully make things miserable to receive blessings? Or better, is enjoying things you otherwise do out of duty a blessing in itself?
Admittedly, this is a whopper of a dilemma, and like most whoppers doesn't boil down to yeas and nays.