This post is brought to you by the letter....."L".
L is for liberal, that's good enough for me.
The headlines on the front page of the NY Times today read as follows: "Conservatives and Rivals Press a Struggling PBS"
To no one's surprise, PBS isn't doing so well. I'm ok with that. What bugs me is that "republicans criticize the programming as elitist and liberal." Yes, these value-packed conservatives don't want any of that elitist crap. They want family shows, shows for the average american, shows that reflect our traditional values. They want quality TV like "the Swan" or "My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss". Even better, they want shows like "Desperate Housewives".
I, for one, feel warped and cheated out of a childhood. I mean to think of the time I wasted watching "Sesame Street" and "Mr. Rodgers" (each brainwashing into the raging liberal I am today!!?!). I could've been so much more enlightened by the real-life scenarios of "Dallas" and "Miami Vice".
Here's to hypocracy!!!
Finish reading post.