Thursday, April 17, 2008

Link to another blog...

I'm done with finals (forever), so I can start wasting time again on blog sites! I don't know if anyone still reads this blog, but if anyone's interested, here's an interesting point on gas prices, currency exchange, and politics made by a mutual friend of Chris and me:

Brian Bowen Was Here: The Price of Gas

Seemed like the kind of thing people on here might like. He welcomes comments.

p.s. - What does it mean when a blog relies on cross-references to other blogs to generate discussion?

Finish reading post.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Google Calendar Funny Feature

If you try to add a new appointment to your Google calendar, you type text in the box, then you click, "I'm feeling lucky", you get an interesting appointment set up for yourself...

Finish reading post.