There was an article in Sports Illustrated this week about google's newest piece of brilliance (Sheldon, if you haven't seen this you'll love it). Salt Lake leads the world in searching for "nude volleyball", jeopardy, and mullets. Apparently The Simpsons are huge in Australia and the Brits love Bill and Ted. Who can find the most surprising number one city?
Here are the top 4 cities under a Google search of "depression"
1. Perth, Australia
2. Melbourne, Australia
3. Brisbane, Australia
4. Sydney, Australia
How depressing.
Other Salt Lake notables:
"Garments" - #1
"Heck" - #1
"Mini van" - #5
"Prozac" - #6
So admittedly I spent 10 minutes trying to find things that would embarrass Salt Lake... but I think I succeeded. It's number one in searching both "College Coeds" and "Hot Teens" but loses out to Idaho on "Family Home Evening"... draw your own conclusions.
Does this surprise anyone? When that Peterman guy was taken to court for selling porn, didn't he win his case after the defense showed Provo residents used porn more than other cities of the same size? I think Utahns are probably just better at hiding it.
Posted by jjohnsen
Where are you getting your stats Sheldon? All the recent demographic breakdowns I've seen cite 50% of the population in Salt Lake City as LDS. I just spent twenty minutes searching online and could find nothing supporting a 35% figure.